
Wednesday, March 10, 2004

In the stereo: Mitch Hedberg- Mitch All Together

America is really pissing me off when it comes to American Idol. In past weeks, they have chosen I think 2 people of the 8 that I didn't agree with. Tonight, the results of the wild card show came in. 8 contestants, 4 go through. America chose a freakin guy who is not good. There was a super hot guy who actually sang well last night and I can't believe America chose this Jon Peter guy over Matthew (who, by the way is a substitute teacher *grin*). Paula pissed me off tonight when she chose a girl who sucked. They, and by they I mean Paula and Randy, keep saying this girl has potential. Whatever...she sucks now. Mom and I agreed with Simon on 7 of the 8 last night, and barely agreed with Paula and Randy. I am also pissed the judges cut Marque Lynche (former MMC-er) so that he couldn't perform in the wildcard show (they brought back 12 but cut 4 before they sang). He apparently is more of a stage singer. Well, hello, he HAS been on Broadway but come on--he was better than 2 people who got through tonight, and better than people who got through in his original group. And I swear I'm not biased cuz he was on MMC...*wink*

America pissed me off about American Juniors last year, which I boycotted after the 3rd kid was voted through. They kept voting on the cute kids and not the more talented ones. The group totally doesn't look good all together. I had picked my 5 for the group in the beginning and it was 5 girls within 2 yrs of age of each other (11-13) who could all sing. But nooooo, America chose the cute 9 yr old girl, the cute 10 yr old boy who wasn't the best boy in the competition, and 3 of my girls (one of whom is the 9 yr olds sister who always gets overshadowed by her "cuter" younger sister--the older one is prettier). Oh, and what has come of this group since? The oldest girl looked pissed on the final show, I don't think she liked the group together and they have probably broken up, since I have heard nothing. And I haven't heard anything about a second season, so I'm sure that means the first didn't do well. Let's hope...

My anger with America better not continue through the whole rest of this American Idol (sooo rooting for the big football player who was in the Rose Bowl for-I think-Southern Cal). And it better not extend into November...please, America, make me happy in November.

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