
Wednesday, March 24, 2004

In the stereo: a mix by me

Cari and I are going to DC today. We were planning on getting up around 9 and leaving when ready. Well, it is 7:52 and I am awake. Cari was up too but had to go back to sleep (she had a headache). We were awakened by the doorbell! As you may know from college, when I sleep, I don't answer the door or the phone (remember when my cat was dying and I was sleeping during the day and my mom called Kate and she came down and BANGED on my door til I got up? Also, that snow day my junior year when we totally didn't know it was going to snow and Parsons and Gaynor and maybe others banged on my door at 7 AM and had to yell that there was no school for me to get out of bed.). Well, Cari is the same as me. We have a window on the top of our front door so I crept out of my room (pissed off) and saw some guy in a sweatshirt walking away up our driveway. He walked to this yellow utility truck next door. Then a saw another guy walked from another house to the truck. They both got in and drove away. Weird...and kinda freaky...

My nailpolish looks like shit. Last week I painted on Sunday and it lasted til Saturday. This week, I used a different kind on Sunday and it looked like shit as of yesterday. Sorry, random topic :)

Went to Best Buy yesterday to buy the Gary Allan CD but they didn't have it. They had his CDs from 96, 99, and 2001 but not the most recent one. I was pissed. I did ask someone and they will be getting Tony's CD next week. He wasn't sure how many, could be as few as 2 copies, but at least they will have it. And, hopefully, they won't sell out by the time I get there. As of now, I don't have a job Tuesday so I could get there when they open Tuesday, but you never know--I may work. I work all the other days next week, but only in the mornings. Monday and Wednesday are for IEP meetings to cover classes for 2 of the special ed teachers. Thursday and Friday are half days. I am beginning to have a reluctance now of doing special ed. I really want to but I am a little freaked. I was hoping to work with Molly next year as her aide while I go back to school. Well, she is getting a new student Monday--second grade and still in diapers. It's the aides job to change the diaper. If he stays, he will still be in her class next year. Marianne has changed ONE diaper in her life, and it's been like 6 years at least. So I'm a little squeemish (how do you spell that?).

On a great note, Penn State beat Virginia Tech in the women's NCAA tourney on VA Tech's home court! Quite exciting. Now we get to go to Connecticut (whenever I spell that, I say to myself "connect-i-cut") and beat Notre Dame before playing (and beating) UConn on their home court. So many obstacles (did I spell that correct? I am struggling today...maybe I need to go back to sleep) to get to our first NCAA title...but soooo worth it! Gooooooo Penn State!

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