
Sunday, June 13, 2004

I haven't sat on the couch in months but since Parsons came and I slept on the couch, I have been only sitting there. I go through these stages--sit on the couch, sit on the chair, sit on the couch...

Finished another book. This one took me about a day, excluding the first 19 pages I read two nights ago. This one was called "Pink Slip Party" and was HILARIOUS. The main character brings humor into her life so often it was great. She got fired from her job so she ended up sending out resumes all over, many slightly different with fake facts about what she has done and ridiculous requests from the company she is applying. The book is basically about her getting her life straightened out. Sooooo funny.

Wearin' muh new No Doubt shirt and Blink wrist sweat band. Before I go out, I think I will remove the sweat band. I wore it to Curves yesterday but I think it may be too much for shopping.

Check out my audioblog from yesterday. How cool.

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