
Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Found this on someone else's blog so I decided to give it a whirl before bed...

First best friend(s): Lindsay, down the street, I would say...even though I don't remember if that's how she spelled her name
First real memory of something: I think my dad's mom in the hospital or nursing home?  I remember it vaguely...and I think that's before my Capon memories.
First funeral: Grammy.  and it's been my only funeral I have been to.
First Crush: I think it was some kid named Stephen in 3rd grade.  All I remember about him was he came to school one day with a huge scab on his arm.  I don't know his last name.
First pet(s): Pepsi and Dallas, cuz fish don't count in my book
First credit card: JCPenney, since I worked there
First enemy: this girl named Kristen, also 3rd grade.  She threw a rock that hit my forehead at recess and we both had to see the principal.
First big trip: Disney World when I was like 8
First play/musical/performance: performance, was ballet/tap when I was like 7 or so.  play was 5th grade.  The Electric Sunshine Man, about Edison.  I can still sing you some songs if you want!

Last cry: when I finished The Wedding on Monday
Last library book checked out: it's been a while but I remember getting a Sweet Valley High book last year cuz I wanted to see what the Senior Year ones were like.
Last movie seen at Movie Theater: The Notebook
Last beverage drank: this shake-thing.
Last food consumed: terrayaki chicken and fruit with rice.  it was good.
Last TV show watched: The Amazing Race
Last time showered: before work
Last song listen to: "I Miss You" by Blink 182
Last disappointment: I can't think of anything serious--only Drew nominating Adria on Big Brother

Three things you are often complimented for: this is a toughy...I have no idea
You get embarrassed when: shouldn't it be when don't I get embarassed?  There's such a long list.
What upsets you?: bad drivers, people who don't do their jobs, my dad, being lied to

Yes or No...
You keep a journal: yes, but I rarely write in it anymore (how funny though cuz I wrote in it last night)
You like to cook: hell yeah!
You have a secret you have not shared with anyone: I think so
You're in love: no
You set your watch a few minutes ahead: nope, I know if I did that I would always know and it wouldn't do any good
You believe in love: yes

Do You...?
Take a shower every day: no, but if I go out, I at least wash my hair every day.  Sometimes I shower daily (like during the school year)
Have any crushes: I agree with the person I got this from: sure, who doesn't.
Think you know you've been in love: no
Have any tattoos/where?: no and never will
Get motion sickness: duh
Think you're a health freak: no
Get along with your parents: mom, yes.  dad, most of the time

Sign: huh? astrological?  that would be scorpio but I don't get it
Natural Hair Color: light brown
Current Hair Color: light brown
Eye Color: I guess I'd say green, though they can change daily, depending on what I am wearing (and I don't mean I use color contacts--they're just like that--so are Cari's)
Birthplace: Silver Spring, MD

Number: 57
Color: turquoise, silver, purple
Day: Saturday
Month: October (cuz of the weather...ok, and my birthday)
Song: wow, that's a really hard decision
Food: cheese
Season: winter
Drink: hmmm...decaf iced tea
Vegetable: carrots, but they MUST be raw

Chocolate Milk or Hot Chocolate: hot chocolate
Dark or White chocolate: dark
Vanilla or Chocolate: depends on what it is; ice cream, vanilla; most else, chocolate

In the last 24 hours, have you...
Cried: no
Helped Someone: at work
Bought something: no
Gotten Sick: i have had headaches and back aches but not sick sick
Gone to the Movies: no

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