
Thursday, August 26, 2004

"Fish are friends, not food" 

Please explain something to me. I just went to google and searched something. It came up with 7 pages containing 66 sites. I looked through page 1 and continued to page 2. WHen I scrolled to the bottom, it showed only 6 pages. I continued on to page 3, 4, and 5. When I got to page 5, it showed there were no more pages. It said at the top "showing 41-45 of 66" yet it wouldn't let me see 46-66. "WHY?" I ask you...I don't understand this.

You know what's freaky? When you're either home alone or the only one awake. You haven't been in the shower stall (nor has anyone) in over a day. All of a sudden noise in the shower! Your razor has fallen and somehow knocked over your big bottle of body wash. How can a razor knock over a bottle, you ask? I would like to know too. I know we can't possibly have a ghost in our house, can we? We are the original owners and the only person who has ever been to our house (as far as I know) that is currently dead is my grandmother. And she was so good I don't think she would haunt us. Creeeeeepppppy.

OK, it's off to a shower and then meeting Molly for lunch. She's the special ed teacher at the school I sub at. Can't wait to hear all the new gossip from this year...I saw the staff list and there are so many changes! Later, I am going out to eat at Pargo's in Frederick with my WHOLE family...this will be loads of fun...

make it alright:
Same "shower hauntings' happer to me too. But we dont know the house history (not originaly owners). But remember this - just cause you're the first to own the house, dont mean your the first to own the land under it. Who knows what's down there...

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