
Friday, September 24, 2004

It has been forever it feels like. Our computer is acting up again, of course. Haven't been able to get on all week, I don't think. Checked my email when I subbed Monday and Wednesday, but didn't want to get on here since they can watch what we do at school. Right now, I am at my dad's house before we leave for Capon this weekend. Yay, Capon!

Hope everyone out there is doing well. I have had a wacky week, working my jobs at weird times so I haven't had 2 days' schedules the same at all. The classes I subbed it were good. I had to work early at Curves yesterday so it was weird. Anyway, nothing I can think of to say right now. I may end up doing a few audio posts in the coming days/weeks/whatever until our computer is fixed...unless I drag myself to the library. I asked Jodi yesterday after lunch if she wanted to go to check email and stuff (her computer is acting crazy too) but she wanted to get home. Anyway, that's all for now. See ya...wouldn't wanna be ya (sike...whoa, do I sound like I'm in middle school!).

PS, I see what you all see on this computer. No ladybug background, which makes me sad. It's just white. I'll have to see what I can do about that.

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